助学金来自联邦政府、州政府以及赌博导航所有网站大全学院. 确定资格 有效的FAFSA 需要完成吗.


Schools are allowed to use “professional judgment” in certain cases to re-evaluate a student’s award and/or Expected Family Contribution. 一些例子包括:失业, 薪水减少, 家庭地位的变化, 不寻常的医疗费用, 等. 如果你的家人经历过这些, 或者类似的困难, 请与财务援助办公室联系 (电子邮件保护) 或(502)863-8027查询更多信息.

Students who qualify and choose to live off-campus may have financial awards (from institutional monies) adjusted. Georgetown College is a residential college and all students with few exceptions are expected to live on campus.



In order to continue eligibility for receipt of financial assistance, the following criteria apply:

  1. 学术资格每年需要特定的gpa才能续签奖学金. 学生有整整一年的时间来达到规定的平均成绩.
  2. 令人满意的学业进展

    Federal regulations mandate that a student must maintain 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) in his/her course of study regardless of whether or not financial aid is awarded each semester.

    接受并继续接受经济援助, students must meet the following Financial 援助 令人满意的学业进展 Standards:

    • 定量: Earn at least 10 hours of college credit in every semester attended as a full-time student, 不管尝试了多少小时. 这个标准是按比例为非全日制学生. Please refer to the SAP hours chart for specific information about hours standards (This information is given by years enrolled; to determine the semester hours standard, 将每年的工作时间除以2.) Repeating a course will count toward hours earned if:  (1) the student earns a passing grade, (2)这门课程之前没有被计入所学课时.
      • 第一年至少挣20个小时
      • 第二年至少挣40小时
      • 第三年至少工作60小时
      • 第四年至少工作80小时
      • 第五年至少工作100小时
    • 定性: Maintain a cumulative GPA standard that increases based on the student’s attempted hours of college credit. 有关GPA标准的具体信息,请参考SAP GPA图表.
      • 1-15学时尝试.6个累积绩点或以上
      • 16-30学时尝试.累积平均绩点7分或以上
      • 31-45学时尝试.8个累积绩点或以上
      • 46-60学时尝试.平均绩点9分或以上
      • 61个或更多学时:2.0累积绩点
    • 最长时间范围: Have attempted fewer than 150% of the credits required for the student’s declared program of study. (7月1日生效的联邦法规, 2011 require all students to be evaluated to determine if they are on track to receive their intended credential before aid is lost due to Maximum Time Frame. 这被称为“速度推进”.")

Your academic progress will be monitored throughout the semester AND your progression throughout your degree. Failure to maintain or exceed the above standards could jeopardize your future financial aid eligibility or cause you to owe funds 回来 to the school. 

如果您未能满足SAP要求,您有权提出上诉. Students may establish an academic plan and write an SAP appeal letter with the approval of the Director of Academic Success, 以及财务规划办公室. 如果SAP上诉被批准, the student will be assigned a Financial 援助 SAP Probation status and will be given an academic plan of action that stipulates certain conditions and academic requirements be met.  在接受学术行动计划后, 学生可以获得一到两个额外学期的经济资助.  The SAP Appeal Approval process is not complete and financial aid awards will not be made until the Financial 援助 Office receives the academic plan of action and SAP appeal letter from the student.

在下学期结束时,将重新评估学生的状态.  Federal student aid for the next term will not be awarded or disbursed until the student successfully completes all terms specified within the academic plan of action or meets SAP requirements.

If the student fails to meet the terms of his or her plan of action or overall SAP requirements, 他或她没有资格获得联邦学生援助. The student will remain ineligible until they are again in compliance with SAP standards.  这些学生可以自费继续上大学.



Students may establish an academic plan with the approval of the Director for Academic Success, 以及学生财务规划办公室. 根据批准的前进目标, satisfactory academic progress for financial assistance may be approved and aid re-established. 以下程序要求与学术程序分开.

  1. An academic plan and appeal letter should be established (as noted above) and sent to the Director of Student 财务规划 by the end of the second week of the semester in which the student’s SAP (令人满意的学业进展) probation begins. 本政策的例外情况可由院校自行决定.
  2. Student’s satisfactory academic progress will be reviewed at the end of each academic/payment period to ensure forward progress is being made and academic goals are met. 如果没有达到学术计划的目标, 该学生将不被允许获得第四章资助. 院长将审核申诉并通知学生.


恢复财政援助恢复财政援助, students must take the hours required to bring them up to the standard at their own expense.


An extra term may be approved by the Student 财务规划 Office to accommodate the student who changes majors or experiences extraordinary circumstances during the regular terms. Pell Grants are limited to the first undergraduate degree and have a Lifetime Eligibility maximum mandated by the Department of Education. Institutional scholarships and grants are limited to a maximum of eight semesters. 州助学金限制为八个学期. Course incompletes will not be counted until the course is completed and the final grade appears on the transcript in the Registrar’s Office.

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